Send Sms Using Gsm Modem


  1. Gsm Modem Cost
  2. Send Sms Using Gsm Modem Without
  3. Send Sms Using Gsm Modem Settings
Oct-14-2019, 02:08 PM
I want to Make a Python program for Sending SMS Using my Vodafone Sim Card.
my idea is the following
I put my sim card on modem gsm
with the modem Connected to my computer I’ll run my Python program and send SMS
Is that the best approach to solve the problem?
What modem I have to buy?
I live in Portugal.
Thank you
Oct-14-2019, 07:55 PM
I'm new to Python myself, but maybe that link is a good place to start.
Oct-14-2019, 08:32 PM
It’s paid service and I don’t waste money because I have free SMS on my phone card and I want to use it.
Oct-15-2019, 08:22 PM
Your question 'what modem should I buy?' isn't really a Python question; as much as we'd like to help, I'm doubtful anyone is going to have the background you're looking for. You'd probably be better off researching them yourself, and coming back with specific questions as they come up.
Feel like you're not getting the answers you want? Checkout the help/rules for things like what to include/not include in a post, how to use code tags, how to ask smart questions, and more.
Pro-tip - there's an inverse correlation between the number of lines of code posted and my enthusiasm for helping with a question :)

Send Sms Using Gsm ModemSms
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I'm using fargo maestro 100 GSM Modem with hyperterminal. I can communicate thorugh RS-232 that connects my Fargo Maestro 100 GSM Modem. I can send and receive SMS'es using AT commands perfectly in text format (AT+CMGF=1) but am experiencing problems with PDU format. I tried all sorts of ways to issue a send (AT+CMGS) with PDU format (AT+CMGF=0). I need to send/read SMS with PHP. To do that, I need a GSM modem.There are few of them if we google a little bit. GSM modems are similar than normal modems.

Gsm Modem Cost

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Using a GSM modem, or an Android phone as a modem, is a quick and efficient way to get started with SMS and/or MMS applications. No special service provider subscriptions are required, just a standard SIM card that has been activated for use with a mobile operator.

NowSMS Lite is designed to send and receive SMS and MMS messages using a GSM (GRPS/EDGE/3G/LTE) modem, or an Android phone acting as a modem.

End users can send and receive SMS and MMS messages via a web interface or their regular e-mail client.

Applications can send and receive SMS and MMS messages using standard protocols such as HTTP, SMTP/POP3/IMAP, SMPP or MM7, or using API examples for Java, PHP or command-line interfaces.

Note: NowSMS Lite is our entry level product that supports a single modem / Android phone only. It is not upgradeable to other NowSMS software products. If you are likely to require additional modems in future we would advise purchasing NowSMS Gateway Modem Edition.

A new version is available that supports the ability to use Android phones as GSM modem devices for both sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages.

Supporting Android phones as modems is significant for several reasons:

Send Sms Using Gsm Modem Without

    • LTE Support – LTE based Android devices can provide higher speed support for MMS sending and receiving.
    • Network Compatibility – Some mobile operators (and modem device manufacturers) assume that modems are used for internet access only and disable SMS and/or MMS support for modems. This is not an issue for Android phones.
    • CDMA Support – For years, US based customers have asked us about modems that can support Verizon and Sprint. Android phone support allows us to support those network operators using both CDMA and high speed LTE.
    • Broad Device Availability – For customers interested in trying NowSMS, it is far easier to locate or acquire an Android device than a conventional modem.
    • MMS Performance – With conventional GSM modems, MMS performance is limited by the mode switching required to switch between data and SMS channels. There are no mode switching delays mixing SMS and MMS traffic on Android devices.
    • Reliability – USB connectivity (and driver quality or lack thereof) is a major limitation for systems with multiple conventional GSM modems. For Android phones, the NowSMS server connects to the Android phones over WiFi. Modems can even be located in different physical locations to maximize signal strength. (The NowSMS server communicates over WiFi to a new app running on the Android phone.)

NowSMS Lite allows clients to submit SMS messages to NowSMS for delivery via the GSM modem, using either the HTTP, e-mail or SMPP protocols. NowSMS Lite also provides examples for submitting SMS messages from Java, PHP and a command line interface.

Received SMS messages can be routed to an application program using either HTTP, e-mail, SMPP, or a command-line interface.

Send Sms Using Gsm Modem Settings

NowSMS Lite allows clients to submit MMS messages for delivery via the GSM modem, using either a proprietary HTTP interface that supports both HTTP GET and POST operations, e-mail, or using the MM7 protocol. MM7 is a SOAP/XML based protocol that operates over HTTP POST. Additionally, NowSMS Lite provides examples for submitting MMS messages from Java, PHP and a command line interface.

Received MMS messages can be routed from NowSMS Lite to an application program using either MM7, an HTTP interface optimised for PHP, e-mail, or via a file/directory based interface.

NowSMS Lite is available as a free 30-day trial.

Click here to download the free 30-day trial version of NowSMS Lite.