Proxmox Iso Location


Just like any other hypervisor, in order to create VM (or container) it needs source in form of ISO file. The way Proxmox works is, it stores these ISOs or resources (in case of LXC Container) in some specific location. And this post is about how to upload those files so you can use them to create VMs in Proxmox. Method 1: Upload files using GUI. Etcher User Interface Click on the plus and select your Proxmox ISO, select your USB drive as your target and hit flash. Once it’s done copying the ISO to your USB drive it’ll validate that the write was performed correctly and you’ll be good to go. Select the ISO image that you uploaded to Proxmox. Keep the defaults for the System tab. You can reduce the hard disk size from the default value, the minimum requirement is 4 GB.

LocationProxmox iso locationMap

I just setup proxmox, and am testing out various features. I needed to upload an ISO so I can install an OS. took me a bit so i figured I’d throw it on here for future ref.

Copy Iso To Proxmox

  1. Login to proxmox web control panel.
  2. Goto server view from drop down on left hand side.
  3. Expand datacenter menu until you see local then click it
  4. Right hand side select COntent tab
  5. click upload button
  6. Click select file, find your ISO, click upload.

This should solve any proxmox iso upload questions that may arise 🙂

Update to add a screenshot below.

Proxmox Iso Location World Of Warcraft

Proxmox comes with a distinct directory structure where all the configuration files and other necessary files are stored. This makes finding those configuration files in time of need very easy. The following table shows the location of the files stored and their functions:

Proxmox Iso Location Fallout 4


File function


Proxmox VE data center configuration file. Used to change options such as the default language, keyboard layout, default console, and so on.


Main cluster configuration file. Prior to Proxmox VE 4.0, this was known as cluster.conf and can also be used to change the vote of a particular node.


PVE storage configuration file. ...